Thursday, February 17, 2011

See these CDs (Ya hear what I did there?)

Every now and then, when I check out the Fondren library catalog, I find some interesting box set no one has ever bothered to check out before. Here are a few of the best, which together, provide a great snapshot of some of the greatest music the 20th century produced:

·         Works of Stravinsky
o   If you asked the average classical music critic which composer defined 20th century classical music, he would likely drop the name of Igor Stravinsky. This 22-CD set covers a lot of (including the revolutionary Rite of Spring and the Firebird Suite). It also contains some rather obscure works, such as Stravinsky’s lesser-known forays into the world of sacred music and jazz. Overall, it is certainly worth a listen, whether or not you are a classical music aficionado. After all, you have nothing to lose except a minute at the Fondren checkout counter.

·         Complete Glenn Gould Jacket Collection
o   You really can’t beat this collection of Glenn Gould’s—it simply has everything, and in the original jacket too! A must-have for those who are OCD about having a musician’s entire catalogue (I proudly confess that I am among this crowd). In such a case, you’re better of just buying the $300 box set off of Amazon and listening to the 80 CDs at your own leisure.

·         The Complete Ella Fitzgerald Song Books
o   Seemingly a world away from the Fondren music library that is composed of predominantly classical music. But Ella sings through the works of Tin Pally geniuses like Cole Porter, George Gershwin, and Irving Berlin with such skill that she elevates their popular music to the level of art achieved by the greatest of classical music.


  1. Really cool idea. I bet Fondren has tons of cool stuff that I would never hear about. Instead of having to go search for them, you do the work for me. Neat Blog.


  2. I'd like to see this as a mashup with Chadwick's Sins of the Top 10 Songs list.

  3. I can understand your blog idea. I sometimes go to used game shops or look through bargain bins of video games to see if I can find that one gem in the rough that has been neglected and forgotten about.


  4. I have the Ella Fitzgerald box set and I agree - it is truly great stuff.
