There are plenty of great DVDs at Fondren. Here are my top ten:
1-Coppola's APOCALYPSE NOW --I first saw the Redux version; it seemed so fresh though it was 30 years old, and it still such a relevant film.
2-Herzog's AGUIRRE, WRATH OF GOD ---it inspired the above film. Herzog is my favorite director still working
3- Miyazaki's SPIRITED AWAY-- his films can't help but make me relive the joy of childhood.
4- Ford's THE SEARCHERS-- probably the film that turned me from a Western-hater to a Western-lover.
5- Welle's CITIZEN KANE-- it really amazes me that Welles was only 26 when he made this terribly mature film.
6- Forman's ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST -- this is probably among the funniest films I have seen. It convinced me that a film didn't have to be recent to be humorous.
7- Chaplin's THE GOLD RUSH-- the first Chaplin film I ever saw (I was 6 years old). Even then, I knew it was great.
8- Ray's PATHER PANCHALI -- Satyajit Ray is one of film's few Renaissance men.
9- Kaufman's SYNECDOCHE, NEW YORK --somewhat critically maligned, but it takes a couple viewings to truly "get."
10- Kurosawa's SEVEN SAMURAI --the only 3-hour film I have managed to watch in one sitting, without a single yawn.
As I'm sitting in Fondren right now finishing up papers, I really want to go explore these... No fair!